10 Essential Home Maintenance Tasks You'll Regret Neglecting

10 Essential Home Maintenance Tasks You’ll Regret Neglecting

Maintaining your home can feel overwhelming if you’re unsure where to start, but ignoring it can lead to even bigger problems. Every home requires regular upkeep to maintain its safety and integrity. So, what are the most critical tasks to prioritize? Let’s explore these essential home maintenance duties you shouldn’t ignore.

Regularly Test Your Sump Pump

Sump pumps play a vital role in preventing basement flooding. It’s important to periodically check yours by pouring water into the basin and confirming that the pump effectively removes it. Additionally, ensure your sump pump is equipped with a vertical float switch.

Source: Flickr/homejobsbymom

Source: Flickr/homejobsbymom

Neglecting regular testing of your sump pump can spell trouble if water seeps into your basement. The pump should kick into action automatically to remove any water. Failure to do so may result in extensive time spent using wet-dry vacuums and fans to dry out soaked carpets.

Monitor Water Pressure Regularly

Many homeowners overlook the importance of checking their water pressure valves, assuming everything is functioning correctly. However, this oversight can have dire consequences, as excessive water pressure can lead to pipe, valve, and appliance damage.

Source: Flickr/Thomas Quine

Source: Flickr/Thomas Quine

Verifying your water pressure isn’t complicated and can be swiftly done. A basic pressure gauge can indicate the current water pressure. If it exceeds safe levels, installing a pressure-regulating valve is an option. It’s advisable to perform this check regularly.

Maintain Clean Weep Holes in Windows

Many windows feature weep holes positioned along the bottom of the frame. These serve to drain water outside when it accumulates along the bottom. Over time, these holes may become obstructed by debris.

Source: Flickr/Friends San Jacinto

Source: Flickr/Friends San Jacinto

To check the weep holes in your windows, pour water along the bottom of the window frame. If there’s no steady stream of water exiting the weep holes, they need cleaning. You can do this with a wire hanger or compressed air. After cleaning, repeat the water test to ensure clear drainage.

Ensure Refrigerator Condenser Coils Are Clean

Refrigerators utilize condenser coils to maintain cool temperatures and expel heat from inside. These coils are typically situated at the bottom or back of the fridge. Due to their inconvenient location, they can accumulate dust and debris, hindering heat dissipation.

Source: Wikimedia/Kristoferb

Source: Wikimedia/Kristoferb

Cleaning these condenser coils is a straightforward task requiring only a cleaning brush and a vacuum. A coil-cleaning brush enables you to reach between the coils and remove debris efficiently. You can easily find a coil brush at your local appliance store or online. Using a vacuum will help keep the area around your fridge free from dust.

Regularly Inspect and Clean Window Wells

Basement-level windows often feature window wells to safeguard them. However, these wells can collect debris draining from your gutters, posing a potential hazard.

Source: Flickr/Eli Sagor

Source: Flickr/Eli Sagor

Gutter drainage often carries debris such as leaves and twigs, which can block the drainage in window wells, causing pressure buildup. When the pressure becomes excessive, basement windows may rupture, leading to basement flooding. It’s essential to keep the wells clear, especially during heavy rainfall.

Remove Sediment Buildup From Water Heaters

Over time, sediment accumulates at the bottom of water heaters. Many people are unaware that draining this sediment can prolong the water heater’s lifespan. Allowing sediment to remain in the tank leads to buildup, eventually causing leaks and malfunctions.

Source: Flickr/tara hunt/B P S Plumbing and Heating

Source: Flickr/tara hunt/B P S Plumbing and Heating

Sediment buildup in water heaters can also diminish their specific heat capacity, requiring more energy to heat the water. Draining the sediment ensures a more energy-efficient heater, less prone to failure at inconvenient times.

nspect and Lubricate Your Garage Door Springs

Garage doors are equipped with torsion springs positioned above the roller tracks. While these springs endure considerable wear and tear, they will eventually break. Lubricating them reduces exposure to the elements and substantially extends their lifespan.

Source: Flickr/Jessa

Source: Flickr/Jessa

You don’t need to check on them very frequently either. Lubricating them once a year is sufficient to address general wear and tear. Using a spray is the most effective method to coat the springs, but exercise caution. Before applying oil to your springs, line the area behind them with cardboard to shield it from droplets.

Watch for Signs of Mice Nests

Mice pose a persistent threat to appliances, seeking refuge in enclosed spaces, old cardboard boxes, and the hidden nooks of your furniture during winter. If you have furniture or old appliances stored away for an extended period, it’s advisable to inspect for signs of mouse nests.Source: Flickr/Shawn Caza

Source: Flickr/Shawn Caza

Clearing out mice nests is straightforward – simply remove them from their hiding spots. If mice are present, however, it may be more challenging, and you might need to enlist the help of an exterminator. It’s essential to protect your appliances and house wiring, as mice gnawing on wires have been linked to house fires.

Maintain Your Dryer Vent for Energy Efficiency

As electricity bills continue to rise, conserving energy should be a top priority for every homeowner. Cleaning your dryer vent is a simple and cost-effective way to reduce electricity expenses. While lint is the primary cause of clogged dryer vents, it’s not the only culprit to watch out for.

Source: Flickr/woodleywonderworks

Source: Flickr/woodleywonderworks

Nesting pests and exhaust hood flappers can also lead to clogs in dryer vents. If you notice significantly longer drying times or lingering odors from your dryer, it’s a clear indication that you should inspect your vent for blockages. Cleaning kits equipped with a brush and rod, complemented by a wet/dry vacuum, are effective tools for clearing clogs.

Being Attentive Saves Time and Money

The key to effective maintenance lies in recognizing when it’s necessary. While some items, such as cars and air conditioning units, have prescribed maintenance schedules, others, like dryers, require user vigilance. It’s essential to stay aware and proactive to prevent potential issues and save both time and money in the long run.

Source: Flickr/Emilian Robert Vicol

Source: Flickr/Emilian Robert Vicol

Monitoring your appliances and recognizing warning signs can provide valuable clues about necessary maintenance tasks. Consistent upkeep is a proven method to achieve long-term cost savings and extend the lifespan of your appliances.

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